CyberWater Workflow Example Files

  1. USGS Data Retrieval and Visualization
  2. VIC4 Model Simulation
  3. DEM Data Visualization
  4. VIC4 Coupled with Routing Model Simulation
  5. VIC4 and Routing Models Coupling with DEM Data
  6. VIC5 Model Simulation
  7. VIC5 Coupled with Routing Model Simulation
  8. DHSVM Model Simulation
  9. One-Layer Water Balance Model Simulation
  10. VIC5 Model Simulation in High-Performance Computing Platform
  11. WRF-Hydro Model Simulation with Docker
  12. VIC4 Model Simulation with Generated VIC4 Model Agent
  13. VIC5 Coupled with Routing Model Simulation with Generated Model Agents
  14. DHSVM Model Simulation with Generated DHSVM Model Agent

To obtain workflow examples, related forcing data files, parameters files, initial state files and executable program, please visit CyberWater HydroShare resource for more details.